Alright, let’s talk about gettin’ them dogs to do their business outside, you know, the potty trainin’ stuff. It ain’t rocket science, but ya gotta be smart about it. We gonna learn ’em to use bells, like them fancy folks do, but in a way that even old Bessie down the road could understand.

First off, ya gotta get yourself some bells. Don’t go spendin’ a fortune, any ol’ bells will do. Some folks like them dangly ones, some like the ones ya stick on the door. Me? I say whatever works, just make sure the dog can reach it with his nose or paw. eBay got all sorts, they say, but I ain’t never used it. Just find somethin’ at the store, or heck, make yer own if ya feel crafty.
- Dangly bells: Good for dogs that like to paw at things. Hang ’em on the doorknob, easy peasy.
- Mounted bells: Better for dogs that like to push with their nose. Stick ’em on the wall by the door.
Now, the important part: teachin’ the dog what them bells mean. This ain’t gonna happen overnight, ya hear? Gotta be patient. Here’s how I do it:
Step one: show ’em the bells. Take the dog’s paw or nose and touch it to the bells. When they ring, give ’em a treat and take ’em outside right away to their potty spot. Say somethin’ like “go potty” when they’re doin’ their business. Repeat this a bunch of times. They gotta connect the bell ringin’ with goin’ outside to potty. Use good treats, ya know, the kind they really like. Don’t be stingy.
Step two: Listen for the bells. Once they start gettin’ the hang of it, wait for them to ring the bells on their own. This might take a while, so don’t get discouraged. When ya hear them bells, jump up and take ’em outside, even if ya think they don’t really need to go. It’s all about makin’ the connection in their little doggy brains. And don’t forget that “go potty” command! Make a big fuss when they go potty outside, lots of “good dog!” and pats.
Step three: The 10-10-10 rule. This is somethin’ I heard about, and it seems to work pretty good. Take the dog outside for 10 minutes, keep ’em in a 10-foot area, and do this in 10-minute cycles. If they don’t go potty in those 10 minutes in the 10-foot area, bring them back inside and try again later. This is for the young ones, ya know, the puppies that need more help. On a leash, tell them little fellas “go potty” and wait. If no potty happens within five minutes, crate them. Wait 10 minutes, try again outside and repeat. When they potty, big party time, all the treats, praise and pets!
Now, some folks say their dog starts ringin’ the bells all the time, just to go outside and play. Well, dogs ain’t stupid, are they? If that happens, ya gotta be firm. If ya know they just went potty, don’t take ’em out. Wait a bit, then try again later. They’ll figure it out eventually.
And another thing, make sure ya take ’em for regular walks, even if they ain’t ringin’ the bells. They still need to stretch their legs and do their business. Don’t think using bells means you can be lazy. Nope, you need to ensure that no chimes were rung before going out for regular walkies. This helps prevent them from thinking that the bells are the only way to get outside, see?
Sometimes, when that dog has learned the bells gets him what he wants, you will need to give clear signals. If he rings the bell and you know he’s been out recently and is just bored, ignore the ringing or give a firm “no”.
Making your own bells can be cheap and easy. A bit of yarn and some old keys or even just some ribbon and key rings tied to the door will do. Doesn’t have to be fancy, ya hear?
So, that’s about it. Potty trainin’ with bells ain’t hard, just takes a little time and patience. And remember, every dog is different, so ya might have to adjust things a bit to fit yer own dog’s personality. But stick with it, and soon enough you’ll have a dog that rings them bells like a pro, and no more messes in the house!

Tags: [dog training, potty training, dog bells, pet care, puppy training, housebreaking, dog behavior, training tips, pet advice, dog owner]
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