Alright, let’s talk about them dog shock collars, the ones with the clicker thingy. You know, for trainin’ them furry critters.

What are these things anyway?
Well, they’re like, collars, ya put ’em on the dog’s neck. And then ya got this little clicker thing in your hand. If the dog’s bein’ bad, ya push a button and, well, it gives ’em a little jolt. Not enough to hurt ’em bad, mind you, just enough to get their attention. Some folks call ’em e-collars or remote training collars, fancy names for the same darn thing.
Why would ya want one of these?
- Stop ’em from runnin’ off: Got a dog that likes to bolt? This thing might just keep ’em close to home.
- Teach ’em some manners: Jumpin’ on folks, chewin’ on stuff they shouldn’t, barkin’ all night long… this collar can help with that.
- Keep ’em safe: Sometimes, a dog needs to listen right away, like if they’re about to run into the road. A quick zap might just save their life.
But hold on, there’s good and bad to everything.
The good stuff:
Like I said, it can keep ’em safe and teach ’em to behave. And it works from a distance, so ya don’t gotta be right on top of ’em all the time. That’s mighty handy if you got a big yard or take ’em out to the fields.
The not-so-good stuff:
Some folks say it’s cruel. I ain’t so sure about that, long as ya use it right. But ya gotta be careful. If ya zap ’em too hard or too often, ya might scare ’em or even hurt ’em. And it ain’t a magic fix. Ya still gotta train ’em, ya know? The collar is just a tool.
Okay, so ya got one. Now what?
First thing’s first, read the instructions! I know, I know, nobody likes readin’ them things. But trust me, it’s important. Every collar is a little different, and ya gotta know how it works.

Then ya gotta put it on the dog. Make sure it’s turned off first! And don’t put it on too tight or too loose. It should be snug, but not chokin’ ’em. The little pokey things on the inside gotta touch the skin, or it won’t work. But make sure it ain’t too tight, give a little space so the dog can breathe.
Testin’ the thing is real important. Don’t just slap it on the dog and start zappin’ away. Try it on yourself first. Yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but put it on the lowest setting and hold them pokey things. Push the button. If ya don’t feel nothin’, turn it up a little bit at a time until ya do. That way, ya know what it feels like, and ya won’t accidentally hurt the dog. Start low, real low, when you use it on the dog. Ya can always turn it up if ya need to, but ya can’t un-zap ’em.
Pairin’ and settin’ up: Most of these collars come with a remote, and you gotta make sure they’re talkin’ to each other. The instructions will tell you how to do it. It usually involves pressin’ some buttons on the collar and the remote. Once they’re paired up, ya can usually adjust the settings. Some collars just have a few levels, some have a whole bunch. Start low, like I said.
Actually usin’ the darn thing: Okay, so the dog’s doin’ somethin’ they shouldn’t. Give ’em a command, like “sit” or “stay”. If they don’t listen, then ya give ’em a little zap. Just a quick one, not too long. And then ya praise ’em when they do what ya want. It’s all about teachin’ ’em what’s right and wrong.
Keepin’ it clean: Just like anythin’ else, these collars get dirty. Specially if your dog likes to roll around in the mud. So, once a week or so, take it off and wipe it down with a damp cloth. Clean the dog’s neck too, where the collar sits. Ya don’t want ’em gettin’ a rash or somethin’. If ya see any redness or sores, stop usin’ the collar and let it heal up.
Troubleshootin’: Sometimes, these things don’t work like they’re supposed to. Maybe the remote isn’t workin’, or the collar isn’t zappin’. First thing to check is the batteries. If that ain’t the problem, go back to them instructions. They usually have a section on what to do if things go wrong. And if that don’t help, ya might have to call the company or take it back to the store. There’s always something going wrong with these newfangled gadgets.
Adjustin’ the shock: Some collars let ya adjust how strong the shock is. Start low, like I said a million times. And only turn it up if ya really need to. Some dogs are more sensitive than others. Ya gotta find what works for your dog without hurtin’ ’em.
So, there ya have it. A little bit about them 2 dog shock collars with the remote. They ain’t for everyone, and ya gotta use ’em right. But if ya do, they can be a helpful tool for trainin’ your dog.
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