Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about these here 20 watt lamps. Folks always fussin’ over what kinda light to use, but lemme tell ya, any light’s good enough if ya squint hard enough!

Back in my day, we didn’t have all these fancy choices. We had a lamp, and that was it. You wanted to read, you used that lamp. You wanted to sew, you used that lamp. Didn’t matter if it was a 20 watt or a 100 watt, ya just made do. Nowadays, folks got too many choices, if ya ask me.
Now, they got all sorts of lamps. Desk lamps, they call ’em. Some stand tall, some sit low, some even clip on to things, like a pesky tick on a dog. All these lamps, and folks still can’t see straight!
- Floor lamps, those are the tall ones, like a bean stalk.
- Desk lamps, they sit on your table, like a lazy cat.
- Clip-on lamps, those are like little bugs, stickin’ to everything.
Whether you’re readin’ for work or for fun, they say ya need a good light. They say this and they say that, but I say just use what ya got. Don’t go wastin’ your money on fancy things just ’cause some city slicker tells ya to.
But alright, alright, if you insist on knowin’ more, they say some lights are better for your eyes. Somethin’ about “Kelvin” and “wattage.” Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me, but they say for readin’ and writin’, you want a bulb that’s, what was it? Oh yeah, 40 to 60 watts. And somethin’ about “cooler” light, like a mornin’ sky. Me? I just like a light that works, don’t care if it’s warm or cool, long as I can see.
They got rules for everything these days. Rules for this, rules for that. They say ya gotta put the lamp just so, and ya gotta have the right kind of bulb. Too much fussin’ if you ask me. Back in my day, we just put the lamp where we needed it and that was the end of it.
They even got rules for how bright the light should be. Say somethin’ about “lumens” now. Always somethin’ new to learn, and most of it ain’t worth a hill of beans. They say too bright is bad, and too dim is bad. Well, what ain’t bad then? Seems like everything’s bad these days.
But I guess if you’re gonna spend your hard-earned money on a lamp, might as well get one that works for ya. Just remember, don’t go gettin’ all caught up in the fancy talk. A lamp’s a lamp, no matter how ya slice it. And a 20 watt lamp, well, it might not be the brightest, but it’ll get the job done if ya ain’t too picky.
And don’t forget, no matter what kind of lamp you got, the best light is the one that lets you see what you’re doin’. Don’t need no fancy degrees to figure that out. Just good ol’ common sense, somethin’ they don’t teach in them fancy schools no more.
So, there you have it. My two cents on 20 watt lamps and all this lightin’ fuss. Take it or leave it, I don’t care. I’m just tellin’ ya like it is, the way I see it. And if that ain’t good enough for ya, well, that’s your problem, not mine.
Tags: [20 watt lamp, reading lamp, desk lamp, lighting, light bulb, lumens, wattage, Kelvin, floor lamp, clip-on light]

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