This here, that 50 pound bird seed, you know, it’s a big deal. A big, big deal, I tell ya. My old eyes ain’t what they used to be, but I seen a lot of birds in my time, and they sure do love their seed. Fifty pounds, that’s a whole heap of bird seed! That’s gonna last you a good long while, I reckon.

Now, them little fellas, they need to eat, just like you and me. And in the winter, when it’s cold and all, it’s hard for ’em to find their own grub. So, we gotta help ’em out, right? That’s what I always say. This 50 pound bird seed is like a big ol’ feast for them birdies. They’ll be comin’ from all over to get a bite, you just wait and see.
I remember back in the day, we used to just throw out some bread crumbs, maybe some leftover scraps. But now, they got all kinds of fancy bird seed. This one time, I saw this bag, it said “sunflower” on it. That sunflower stuff, that what they realy like, all them different birds. All them cardinals, and them finches, and them little chickadees, they all love that sunflower seed. That’s a good seed, keep your feeders full of them. You put that in your feeder, and you’ll have birds lined up like it’s a Sunday supper, I guarantee it.
And you know what? If you’re real smart, you go down to one of them farm stores, or feed stores. They got what they call “chicken scratch” there. It’s all kinds of stuff mixed up, like millet, and wheat, and cracked corn. That’s the good stuff. That’s the cheap stuff, too, if you’re watchin’ your pennies. Birds like it just the same, though. You get that, and your feeders gonna be full, and them birds will be happy as a pig in mud.
- sunflower seed
- chicken scratch
- millet
- wheat
- cracked corn
You gotta keep that seed fresh, though. You don’t want no moldy seed, makes them birds sick. Keep it in one of them airtight containers, you know, like them plastic tubs with the lids that snap on tight. That’ll keep it good for, oh, I don’t know, maybe six months, maybe a year. Just keep an eye on it. If it starts lookin’ funny, throw it out and get some new.
Now, some folks, they like to get fancy. They got all these different kinds of seed mixes. They say it’s “high energy,” this that, and the other thing. You see it all the time. All kinds of bird food. They say they deliver for free too. You don’t need none of that, not really. Just get that 50 pound bird seed, the plain kind, and you’ll be fine. Birds ain’t picky. They just want somethin’ to fill their little bellies.
I seen these things they call “suet.” It’s like a big ol’ block of fat, with seeds and stuff mixed in. Birds like that, too, ‘specially in the winter. It gives ’em energy, keeps ’em warm. You can get that at the store, too, if you want. But like I said, that 50 pound bird seed, that’s your best bet. It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it works.
You gotta look out for them little critters. They’re God’s creatures, just like us. They need our help, especially when it’s cold and food is scarce. You put out that 50 pound bird seed, and you’re doin’ a good deed. You’re helpin’ them birds survive, and maybe even thrive. That’s what I say. You keep them feeders full, and you’ll have a yard full of happy birds. It’s a beautiful thing to see, I tell ya.
Now, I ain’t no expert, mind you. I’m just tellin’ ya what I know. But I’ve been watchin’ birds for a long time, and I’ve learned a thing or two. And one thing I know for sure is that them birds love their seed. And 50 pound bird seed, that’s a whole lot of love right there. You get that, and you’ll be the most popular house on the block, as far as them birds are concerned.
So, go on, get yourself some of that 50 pound bird seed. Fill up them feeders, and watch them birds come flockin’ in. It’ll warm your heart, I promise ya. It’s the little things in life that matter, you know? And feedin’ them birds, that’s one of them little things that makes a big difference. And you know, you can make them happy every day, if you want, you see them birds fly around your house, that makes you happy too, I tell you that much.
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