Oh, honey, let me tell you about these cat treats, the freeze dried salmon ones. My kitty, she just goes crazy for ’em! You see, I used to give her those other treats, the ones in the bags from the store. But they had all sorts of stuff in ’em, things I couldn’t even pronounce.

Now, this freeze dried salmon, it’s just one thing – salmon. That’s it! Nothing else in there. No added anythings. My neighbor, she told me about it. She said her cat had some tummy troubles, and these freeze dried treats really helped. So, I thought, why not give ’em a try? I buy big ones from market, 2.5 ounces.
And let me tell you, my cat loves them. She hears me open the bag, and she comes runnin’ like a little wild thing. She gobbles ’em right up! And I feel good givin’ ’em to her, ’cause I know it’s just good stuff, you know? It’s like when I used to make my own biscuits – simple and good.
- Just salmon, nothin’ else!
- My cat loves ’em!
- Good for kitties with tummy troubles.
These freeze dried salmon cat treats are crunchy, not soft and chewy like them others. You wouldn’t believe the crunch! My cat, she loves that crunch. She’ll sit there and munch and munch. It’s good for their teeth, too, keeps ’em clean. She has no trouble chewing, even her get old.
I also heard that some cats have trouble with their pee-pee, you know what I mean? Like they can’t go properly, or it hurts. Well, those wet treats, the ones like a little soup, they’re good for that. They help the kitty get more water. And water is good for everything, ain’t it? But my kitty is fine now. Just eat freeze dried salmon. She love it so much!
You gotta be careful with some of those treats. Some got too much sugar, or fat, or other things that ain’t good for kitties. It’s like when you eat too much candy – you get a tummy ache. Same for cats! And some of ’em have fake stuff in ’em, like colors and flavors. Why would they do that? Salmon is good enough on its own!
You know, I also use these freeze dried salmon treats to get my cat to do things. Like, if I want her to come inside, I just shake the bag. She comes runnin’! Or if I want her to sit on my lap, I give her a little treat. It’s like bribing a little kid with candy, but it works! And she’s happy, I’m happy, everyone’s happy. She is good girl. I love her.
You can find these freeze dried salmon treats at the store. Some has them, some don’t. If your kitty has been havin’ tummy troubles, or if you just want to give ’em somethin’ good, you should try these. Your kitty will thank you! If you have a dog, you can give it to him, too.
These treats are good for bondin’ with your cat. You give them a treat, they purr, everyone’s happy. It’s like when you share a piece of pie with your neighbor. It just makes you feel good, you know? And your cat will love you even more!
And don’t give your cat too many treats. Just a few is enough. They’re like a little dessert, not a whole meal. You don’t want your kitty gettin’ too fat. They need to run and play and be healthy! My cat still runs around like a kitten, even though she’s gettin’ up there in years. Maybe it’s the freeze dried salmon keepin’ her young!
So, if you’re lookin’ for a good treat for your kitty, try the freeze dried salmon. It’s just salmon, nothin’ else, and cats love it. It’s good for ’em, too. Keeps ’em happy and healthy. What more could you ask for? And it is good price. I think you will save a lot of money. Your cat will love you more than ever! And she will be healthier. This is very important.

My cat, she’s my best friend. She follows me around everywhere. She sleeps on my bed. She’s always there for me. So I want to give her the best, you know? And these freeze dried salmon treats are the best, in my opinion. I am just happy when she is happy. And she is always happy to get freeze dried salmon.
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