My doggie, oh, he was the best boy. Always happy to see me, tail wagging like crazy. He’s gone now, bless his little heart. Broke my heart when he left. I wanted something to remember him by, something I could see every day, you know?

Someone told me about these pet memorial river stones, said they was a good way to remember a furry friend. So, I looked ’em up. They’re just rocks, but they got nice words and such on ’em.
Getting a Stone
You can get ’em big or small. It seems like the size is not that standard, and stones come in all sorts of shapes. Some are round, some are flat, some are just, well, rock-shaped. They got all kinds, I reckon. Some weigh like ten pounds, imagine that! Ten pounds of rock! But they got smaller ones too, for little critters. You can get one for your dog, or your cat, or your bird, whatever you had that you loved. These are all river rocks. That’s what they are using.
They ain’t too expensive neither. I seen some for thirty bucks, some for a hundred and twenty. Depends on what you want, I guess. But they got free shipping, so that’s good. Don’t want to pay extra for shipping, no sir.
What they look like
They can put words on ’em, whatever you want. Your pet’s name, the dates they was with you, a little saying. Whatever you want to remember ’em by. They carve it right into the stone. These are called engraved stones. Or engraved rocks, whatever you like to call it. They make it in the USA, that’s what they told me. Local folks making these stones. That’s good, support your neighbors, you know? I ordered one. I put my doggie’s name on it, and the years he was with me. I miss him so much, but this stone, it helps a little.
- Big stones
- Small stones
- Words on ’em
- Pictures too, maybe
And they say these stones, they last forever. Rain, snow, whatever, they just sit there. Just like your love for your pet, you know? It lasts forever too. You can put it in your garden, if you got one. Or just keep it in the house. I put mine right by the door, so I see it every time I go out. Reminds me of my good boy, waiting for me to come home. I think you should get one. It helps, it really does. It is the best way to remember your furry friend. If you lost your pet, you should get one.
Or, you can make it yourself. Get some concrete or other stones. And you can make one. That’s what I heard from someone. But it might be hard. It is hard work to do that. I am too old to do that. So I just ordered one online.
What else you can do
Other than these pet memorial river stones, there are other ways. I saw some folks, they light a candle. Like a little light for their pet, shining bright. That’s a nice thought, ain’t it? A little flame, keeping their memory alive. And they visit where their pet’s buried, if they buried ’em. Talking to ’em, like they’re still there. I reckon that helps too. We all got our ways of remembering. And these stones, they are good for remembering.
Some folks, they share pictures of their pets. Show everyone how cute they were, how much they loved ’em. They tell stories about ’em, funny things they did, how much they meant to ’em. That’s a good way to remember too. Sharing the love, you know? Letting everyone know how special your pet was.
But that stone, though. It’s something solid, something you can touch. Like your pet’s still there, in a way. These river rocks are good for that. You can run your hand over the words, over their name. Feels like you’re touching ’em again, almost. I like to think my doggie knows I got that stone for him. I like to think he’s looking down, wagging his tail, happy that I remember him.
So, if you lost your pet, think about getting one of these pet memorial river stones. It ain’t much, just a rock, really. But it means a lot. It’s a little piece of your heart, carved in stone. It’s a way to say, “I remember you. I love you. I’ll never forget you.” And that’s worth more than anything, ain’t it? Yep. These pet memorial stones are really good. You can use it as a grave marker. I think that’s a good idea. But you can put it anywhere. Any place you like.

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