My grandson, he come over the other day, talkin’ ’bout tiny dog shock collar. What in the tarnation is that? Sounds awful, like somethin’ you’d use to zap a critter. He say it for his little yippie dog, say it help with trainin’. I don’t know, I raised five kids and a whole mess of farm animals, never needed no shock collar.

He keep sayin’ it’s the best shock collar for small dogs. But still, puttin’ a shock on a little dog, sound mean to me. That dog, it just a little thing, jump around all happy. Why you wanna shock it? He say it don’t hurt, just a little tingle. But I seen that dog jump when he tested it on hisself. If it hurt him, sure hurt the dog too. Make the dog scared, maybe.
This new generation, always with the gadgets. Back in my day, we used our voice and a firm hand. A good “No!” and a little swat on the behind, that’s all you needed. But, this tiny dog shock collar, it all the rage, he say. Everyone usin’ them, apparently. Even for the tiny dogs. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned. I don’t like seein’ a dog get shocked, big or small.
He showed me on his phone, all these different kinds. Big ones, little ones, some with a remote control. He lookin’ for dog shock collar small dog. He say some folks misuse ’em, use ’em wrong. Make the dog scared and mean, he said. He say it sposed to be used right, just a little reminder. But a shock is a shock, ain’t it? I don’t care how small. He say this one popular on eBay.
My grandson, he love that little dog. He carry it around like a baby. He say this tiny dog shock collar gonna teach it to behave, to not bark at the mailman and not chase the neighbor’s cat. I told him, just yell at the dog. But he say the collar more ‘fective. He say positive reinforcement important, too. Whatever that is. He always say some new words.
- He say you gotta use treats, too.
- Give the dog a treat when it do good.
- Don’t just shock it all the time.
- He say some folks use a different collar, somethin’ called a martingale.
I still don’t like it. But he say it’s what everyone doin’. He say these top shock collars are safe, they tested and everything. I guess maybe a tiny shock is better than the dog runnin’ out in the street and gettin’ hit by a car. That what he say. He say a top 10 shock collars guide can help find a good one.
He was readin’ somethin’ about how some places don’t like these collars. Say they’re bad for the animals. Some vet people say don’t use ’em. I told him that, he just say they don’t know everything. He determined to get this tiny dog shock collar. He even asked me to buy one for him. Said no.
He showed me some more on his phone. Some had a beeper, some had a vibrate thing. He say the vibrate is better than the shock. Maybe that ain’t so bad. Just a little buzz to get the dog’s attention. He say you gotta be responsible, use it right. Read the instructions or somethin’. Do dogs need to wear collars? He say yes, for license and stuff. But not all the time.
Finding the best shock collar for small dogs is a hard thing, he say. Lots of choices, lots of things to think about. He readin’ all these reviews, tryin’ to find the right one. He spent hours lookin’ at them things. He say it’s important to get a good one, one that won’t hurt the dog. He say need to be careful.
I still don’t know ’bout this whole tiny dog shock collar business. Seems like a lot of fuss for a little dog. But my grandson, he set on it. He say it’s for the dog’s own good. He say it will save the dog’s life. Maybe he right, maybe he wrong. I just hope he use it right, if he gonna use it at all. Don’t want that little dog gettin’ hurt.
I guess times are changin’. We didn’t have these things when I was young. We just trained our dogs the old-fashioned way. Maybe this new way is better, I don’t know. But that little dog, it don’t seem to need no shockin’. It just need some love and some good old-fashioned trainin’. That’s what I think, anyway.

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