My grandbaby say I need to write this thing, say it help people find this Formax dog food. Don’t know what all the fuss is about, but here goes.

Formax Dog Food, What’s the Big Deal?
This Formax, they say it good. Good for dog. They say it give dog lots of go-go juice. Make ’em run and jump and play all day. My old dog, he just lay around, but maybe if he eat this Formax, he be like new dog.
They say this Formax dog food made by family. Not some big company in fancy building. Just regular folks, like me and you, making food for dogs. Sounds good to me. Don’t need no fancy pants making my dog’s food.
Cheap Dog Food, Where to Find It?
- Some big store called Wal-something. Grandbaby say they got cheap dog food. All the big names, he say. Maybe Formax there, too. I don’t know.
- They say look for deals. Like when you find chicken on sale at the market. Same for dog food, I guess. Gotta save money where you can.
- This Formax food, don’t know where to find it yet, some say internet. I will ask my grandbaby, he know about these things, how to find stuff.
My neighbor, she got this little yippy dog. Always barking. She say she feed it special food. Maybe this Formax is special. I don’t know. My dog eat anything. Table scraps, old shoes, you name it.
Dog Food, It All the Same, Ain’t It?
Back in my day, dogs just ate what we ate. No fancy dog food. They did just fine. Now they got all these different kinds. Grain-free, this and that. Makes my head spin. I like the sound of Formax dog food, it has all the good stuff.
This Formax stuff, they say it good for dog’s insides. Make ’em healthy. My old dog, he got the runs sometimes. Maybe this Formax help with that. I don’t know. Worth a try, I guess.
- They say look for sales at the pet store. I don’t go to pet store much. Just get dog food at the regular store. But maybe I should look.
- They also have coupons, my grandbaby say. Cut ’em out and save money. Every little bit helps, that’s what I always say.
- And sign up for some letter. They send you deals, they say. I don’t know about all that. Sounds complicated.
Best By Date, What’s That?
They say dog food got a date on it. Like milk. Gotta use it by that date. Never knew that. My dog eat anything, old or new. He don’t care. But maybe this Formax dog food, gotta pay attention to the date. Don’t want no sick dog.
They say this Formax made fresh. Not like that other stuff that sits on the shelf forever. Fresh is good. Like my garden veggies. Fresh is always better.
Pet Plate, What’s That Now?
They say there’s this other food, Pet Plate. Sounds fancy. They say it better than the stuff at the store. I don’t know. Sounds like a lot of hooey to me. But they say it got all the good stuff for dog. All the right things to make ’em healthy and strong. It’s one dollar a day. Sounds like a lot, my dog not fancy, he eat anything. Maybe Formax dog food is better, I will ask my grandbaby.
- Some pet store called Chewy, they got it, all kinds of stuff. My neighbor buys her cat litter from there, it come in a big box.
- They say it important to find food that’s good for your dog and doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I agree with that. Gotta be smart with your money.
- There these other stores, Pet-something, they got their own food. Sound good for price. I will have a check next time.
This writing is tiring. All this talk about dog food. Makes me hungry. I’m gonna go make myself a sandwich. Maybe I’ll give some to the dog, too. He like bread. But maybe I’ll try this Formax dog food. See if it makes him a new dog. Who knows.
They say this Formax good for any dog. Big or small. Young or old. That’s good. One food for all. Don’t need to buy different food for different dogs. That just complicate things.

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