Well, let me tell you somethin’ about this here dog training treat dispenser. My old dog, bless his heart, he weren’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But even he could figure out how to get a little somethin’ somethin’ from one of them contraptions. These things are designed to give your dog treat when they did good, like sit or stay. You know, like a reward.

Now, you gotta use these things right. You gotta use what they call “positive reinforcement.” It’s like when you give a kid a cookie for cleanin’ his room, ‘cept it’s for dogs. I reckon this is the best way to train a dog. Give ’em a treat when they do good. Don’t be hollerin’ and such. That just makes ’em scared, I tell ya.
And you gotta use them good treats, the ones they really like. Not them dry old biscuits. I’m talkin’ somethin’ special, somethin’ that’ll make ’em wanna do what you say. The key is the dog training treat. That’s how you’re gonna get their attention.
- Start trainin’ someplace quiet.
- No distractions.
- Just you and the dog.
- And them treats, of course.
Once he gets the hang of it, then you can try it where there’s more goin’ on. Like, maybe when the neighbor’s kids are out playin’. But start slow, that’s what I always say. I heard from folks that these dog training treat dispensers are good for feedin’ your dog. Better than just dumpin’ a whole pile of food in a bowl. Makes ’em eat slower, which is better for their tummies.
Keeps their minds busy, too. Ain’t nothin’ more borin’ than just eatin’ outta a bowl. Dogs, they need somethin’ to do, somethin’ to think about. And these dispensers, they make ’em think, make ’em work for it a little. It’s good for ’em. It is like a puzzle for them, and they need to solve the puzzle to get the dog training treat. This way, the dog will not be bored.
Now, these here trainin’ treats, they ain’t like regular dog treats. They’re smaller, you see. ‘Cause you gotta give ’em lots of ’em durin’ trainin’. And they ain’t got as many of them calories, neither. You don’t want your dog gettin’ all fat and lazy. So you use dog training treats, not regular treats.
Don’t be givin’ ’em treats for no reason. Only when they do somethin’ you want ’em to do. Like if you tell ’em to sit, and they sit, then they get a treat. If they just sit there lookin’ at ya, no treat. Simple as that. Otherwise, they will never learn. They will just sit and wait for treats and do nothing.
You want your dog to like you, to listen to you. That’s why you gotta connect with ’em. Spend time with ’em. Play with ’em. These things are really important for dog training. It’s all about buildin’ a good relationship with your dog. These dog training treat dispensers are just tools, they will not replace you. If you don’t spend time with your dog, they ain’t gonna listen to ya, no matter how many treats you give ’em.
Treats are good, don’t get me wrong. But you gotta know when to give ’em, and how many. Them dog care folks, they know what they’re talkin’ about. If you ask me, this dog training is all about being patient and persistent.
- Use them treats right.
- Be patient.
- Don’t yell.
- Spend time with your dog.
- Make sure they know who’s boss.
It ain’t easy trainin’ a dog. Takes time, takes effort. But it’s worth it in the end. When you got a dog that listens to ya, that does what you say, that’s a good feelin’. And these here dog training treat dispensers, they can help ya get there. Just remember what I said, and you’ll be alright. You and your dog, you’ll be just fine. Use dog training treat right, and you can train your dog well. That’s all I want to say.
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