Oh boy, you talkin’ ’bout them dried fish snacks for cats, huh? My old kitty, Whiskers, she loved them things. Used to gobble ’em right up, she did. Ain’t nothin’ like a good dried fish to keep a cat happy, I always say. Make ’em purr like a motor, it does.

Now, I ain’t no fancy cat doctor, but I know a thing or two ’bout what cats like. And let me tell ya, they go crazy for that fishy smell. You open up a bag of them dried fish snacks, and they come runnin’ faster than a chicken with its head cut off! They is good for ’em too, I reckon. Keeps ’em healthy and their fur all shiny like.
There’s all sorts of these fish snacks for cats out there. Some is like little crunchy bits, others is more like, uh, jerky, I guess you’d call it? My Whiskers, she weren’t too picky. She’d eat any kind, long as it was fish. But some cats, they got their favorites. Like that fancy neighbor cat, Mittens, she only eats them fancy, freeze-dried salmon ones. Highfalutin, that one is.
This one time, I tried givin’ Whiskers some of them, whatchamacallit, Sea-Licious Salmon and Cod. Them things. She loved that one. Expensive, though. But she’s worth it. I think that a good treat for a good cat. She’s happy, then I happy.
Some Tips for Dried Fish for Cats
- Make sure they ain’t got too much salt, though. Too much salt ain’t good for nobody, not even a cat. They is just small animals.
- And don’t give ’em too many, neither. Just a little treat, now and then. I know that some people give too much. That is not good.
- Don’t give them fish with bones. Cats, they are just stupid. They will choke on bones.
- If your cat has never had dried fish before, start with just a little piece. See if they like it, and make sure it don’t upset their tummy.
- Some cats is just weird, and don’t like fish at all. Cats are just like people.
You know, sometimes I think cats is smarter than people. They know what they like, and they ain’t afraid to tell ya. Whiskers, she’d let me know if she didn’t like somethin’. She’d just turn her nose up at it and walk away, all proud like. But them dried fish snacks, she never turned those down. Nope, not once. She loves them too much.
I remember this one time, I ran out of them cat snacks. Oh boy, was she mad! She kept meowin’ and meowin’, rubbin’ against my legs, tryin’ to tell me somethin’. Finally, I figured it out. She wanted her dried fish! So, I had to go all the way down to the store and get her some more. Spoiled, she was, but I didn’t mind. Made her happy, made me happy.
Now, ‘sides from the dried fish, you can give ’em other things, too. Whiskers, she liked a little piece of cooked chicken now and then. And she loved that catnip. Made her go all silly, rollin’ around on the floor and whatnot. But you know that catnip is just like weed. They just go crazy.
There is also something called cat grass. They eat grass, then they throw up. I don’t understand. But cats just love them. I think they just eat too fast. There is also steamed broccoli and green beans. I don’t know why cats eat them, because I don’t like them.
But nothin’ beat them dried fish snacks. That was her favorite. I think because that is just natural for cats. They supposed to eat fish. They eat birds. They eat mouse. They not supposed to eat rice cakes.

So, if you got a kitty, and you wanna make ’em happy, get ’em some of them dried fish snacks for cats. They’ll love ya for it, I guarantee. And you’ll be happy, too, seein’ ’em so content. Ain’t nothin’ better than a happy cat, I always say. Keeps the mice away, too! And that’s important, ‘specially in an old house like mine. Mice can be naughty sometimes.
You gotta be careful, though, where you buy them fish cat treats. Some places, they sell that cheap stuff, made with all sorts of fillers and junk. Ain’t good for your cat. You want the good stuff, made with real fish. Might cost a little more, but it’s worth it. Your cat’s health is important, just like yours. That is just like medicine for them. Keep them healthy and strong.
And don’t forget to give your cat plenty of fresh water, too. ‘Specially if they’re eatin’ them dried fish snacks. They get thirsty, just like we do. And a thirsty cat ain’t a happy cat. So, keep that water bowl full, and your kitty will be purrin’ like a motor in no time. A happy cat is a good cat. I love my cat. Even she is gone now. But I still remember that she loves dried fish.
Oh, and one more thing, if you are thinking about giving them some milk, think twice. My neighbor give her cat milk. That cat just keep having diarrhea. Not good. Not good for the cat and not good for my neighbor. She has to clean that up. That is gross.
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