Well, let’s talk about dogs, you know, those furry critters that run around the yard. Some folks got all sorts of questions about ’em, and I’ve heard a thing or two in my time.

Dog Licking and Such
Now, some dogs, they like to lick themselves. If they do it just a little bit, ain’t no big deal. But if it bothers ya, or if they start lickin’ themselves raw, well, you gotta stop ’em. Best thing to do is distract ’em right when they start. You know, throw a ball, give ’em a treat, somethin’ like that.
Dogs and Mating
Dogs and mating, that’s a whole ‘nother story. A girl dog, she won’t let no boy dog near her unless she’s in heat. She’ll growl, snap, sit down, do whatever it takes to keep him away. And that heat cycle, it’s usually about three weeks, give or take. Some girls are longer, some are shorter, just like people I guess.
Now, folks wonder why dogs mate. Well, it ain’t about bossin’ each other around, like some think. It’s mostly ’cause it feels good, plain and simple. Sure, sometimes you see a dog humpin’ another dog, and that might be about showin’ who’s boss. But real mating, that’s different.
And here’s somethin’ interesting. A girl dog, she can get pregnant by more than one fella at a time. That means her puppies can have different daddies. And those boys can be rough, so the girl dog could get hurt.
- Dogs lick for different reasons.
- Female dogs only allow mating during heat.
- Mating is primarily for pleasure in dogs.
- A female dog can have puppies from multiple fathers in one litter.
Dog Myths and Facts
People got all sorts of ideas about dogs, and some of ’em just ain’t true. Like some folks think dogs are attracted to humans the same way we are to each other. That ain’t right. Dogs and humans, we’re different. They might love ya, but it ain’t the same kind of love.
And speaking of dog parts, you know, that thing a boy dog has, well, most of the time it’s hidden away in a little furry pocket of skin. Keeps it safe and sound.
Controversial Dog Topics

Now, some folks talk about givin’ their dogs…well, you know…a “bj.” They say it’s fun and helps ’em bond. But I tell ya, that sounds mighty strange to me. I ain’t never done nothin’ like that, and I don’t reckon I ever will. But folks do all sorts of things, I guess.
And I’ve heard tell of boy dogs doin’ things to themselves too. It’s just nature I suppose, but it still makes ya scratch your head sometimes.
Then there’s all them dog behaviors and faces they make. If you don’t know what you’re lookin’ at, you could get it all wrong. Dogs are complicated critters, that’s for sure.
Final Thoughts
So, that’s the long and short of it. Dogs are dogs. They lick, they mate, they do all sorts of things that might seem strange to us. But most of the time, they’re just bein’ dogs. And it’s our job to understand ’em, take care of ’em, and make sure they’re happy and healthy. And maybe not do some of them weird things folks talk about. Just treat ’em right, and they’ll treat you right back. That’s all there is to it.
Keywords: dog behavior, dog mating, dog myths, dog licking, dog attraction, dog anatomy
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