Well, let me tell you, these days, even dogs got it fancy. Back in my day, dogs just went wherever they pleased, you know? But now, they got these things, these… urine collectors for dogs. Sounds crazy, right? But I guess it’s a thing now.

So, this thing, this dog urine collector, it’s like a long stick with a cup at the end. You gotta follow your dog around and when they start to, you know, do their business, you gotta stick this cup under ’em. I swear, these young folks come up with the silliest things. But they say it’s to check if your dog is sick. I tell ya, we never needed to collect pee to know our dogs was sick. We just knew.
They call it a “P-Scoop”. A P-Scoop! Like it’s some kinda fancy ice cream scoop. That just tickles me. It can stretch out real long, they say 42 inches. Lordy, that’s longer than my old broom! That’s for sure some urine collector for dogs.
- This thing, it’s supposed to be easy.
- You just gotta hold it under your dog.
- And then, whoosh, you got your pee.
They say these urine collectors for dogs are good for the vet, too. Those fancy doctors, they can use it to check for all sorts of things. Sugar, they say. And something called “urinary tract infection.” Sounds nasty. I guess it is good for them who are not knowing too much, but us old folks, we know when a dog isn’t feeling good.
They even got these kits now. A whole kit just for dog pee. It’s got this urine collector, some strips you dip in the pee, and a book to tell you what it all means. I guess that’s helpful if you don’t know nothin’ about dogs. They call this kit “PawCheck”, and there is another one, “CheckUp”. Sounds like they’re just making up words to me. It is better than having your dog pee all over the floor, I guess.
But, you see, these dogs, they get spoiled now. They get all these fancy things, and they start expectin’ it. Back when I was young, a dog was happy with a pat on the head and a bowl of scraps. Now they need their pee collected in a special cup! And they say that it can find all the diseases! What a load of nonsense!
This P-Scoop thing, it’s supposed to catch the pee “midstream.” What does that even mean? Sounds like somethin’ you’d do in a river. But I guess it means you gotta catch it while the dog’s still goin’. Like I said, silly.
They also say that these things are a must-have for vets. Well, I guess, when you have a lot of dogs, it is not easy to see all of them and know if they are sick. It is really hard. But we, we always had just one or two dogs, and we knew them like our own children. We could tell just by looking at them. So, it is probably very good for vets, these urine collectors for dogs.
These newfangled things, they even sell ’em online. You can just click a button, and they’ll send you a dog urine collector right to your house. The world’s gone crazy, I tell ya. And this one is “in stock”! That means they have a lot of them. And a lot of people are buying these things. I just can’t believe it. A urine collector for dogs! What will they think of next?
And get this, they say it makes it “stress-free.” For who, the dog? I doubt that. I bet that dog’s thinkin’, “What in the Sam Hill is that thing doin’ under me?” It’s probably more stress-free for the people, I guess. Don’t gotta bend down as much. These young folks, they don’t like to bend down.
Now, if your dog is pee is all over, they have another thing. They say to use paper towels, lots of them. And they have this special cleaner, but it cannot be just any cleaner. It has to be “enzymatic”. That’s a big word, ain’t it? Well, all these fancy things… I guess people like them.

But they also say you should not use ammonia. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds bad. If they say so, then it must be true, I guess.
They even tell you how much it costs to check the pee at the vet. 75 dollars! Can you believe that? 75 dollars just to look at some dog pee. Back in my day, we’d just give the dog some water and see if he got better. They also check for parasites. I don’t even want to think about that. It is not nice.
These urine collectors for dogs, they’re somethin’ else. I never thought I’d see the day. But I guess if it helps keep the dogs healthy, then it ain’t all bad. Still seems mighty silly to me, though. Just remember, a dog’s a dog. And sometimes, they just need a good scratch behind the ears, not a fancy pee collector. They just need some love and some good food. But, well, if you want to use these urine collectors for dogs, it is your choice. You do what you think is best. I am just saying, it is all very strange to me.
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